Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Our Descriptive Writing

Today in Room 2 we learnt about writing a description.
We brainstormed everything that we knew about the Moon. 
Together as a whole class we wrote a practice one, then we got to write our own.

We had to write our descriptions for ALF family, because they have never seen the Moon before.

We had to have a title.
Ali helped us with that.  We all have the title "The Moon"

We also had to have an introduction.  We all used the same introduction, as those can be a bit tricky.
We used Sienna's idea... "The Moon is our satellite."

Some of us finished our descriptions today, and some of us have more to say so we will finish them on Thursday.

Come and see our amazing descriptions on Friday, when they are finished and up in Room 2.

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