For Inquiry this term we are learning about Space, and we are all really excited about it.
On Tuesday we went to the Starlab and saw the planets and the moon. It was amazing. Next week we have Julie coming in to teach us more about Space.
Here are some of our stories about what we know about Space.
Space has lots of planets. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are gas planets. Saturn's rings are made of ice.
By Zara.
Today my class went ot the hall and we saw Earth. We saw other planets. It was fun!
By Cooper
Today we saw our solar system. We saw Venus. I was excited. It was cool. I loved it! We looked at some pictures. We found out that Saturn's rings have ice in them and it's made of gas. The Sun is made of gas too. It was amazing! It was so, so, so, so fun!
By Joel
Today we saw stars. It was so cool. We saw the world. The Sun is a star. The stars were awesome. My class came too.
By Ella.
Yesterday we went to the Starlab. We got to see Earth. We saw Venus. We got to see the sun. My favourite part was seeing the stars. Everything was cool. The starlab was black. The Sun is a star. Some of the planets are hot, some are cold.
By Olivia.
You can see more of what we know on our padlet page. Parents can scan the QR code on our door on their phones and get taken to the page.
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